Bulgarian secrets

Rock niches in the Rhodopes
The end of May and the begining of June is the time when the Valley of roses near the towns of Karlovo and Kazanlak becomes heavy with the fragrance of roses....10-days tour
The remarkable UNESCO sights of Bulgaria and Romania - monasteries, monuments and towns, experienced in 14-days program
The Orthodox monasteries are very impressive with their fine frescoes saved in the centuries. This 12-days tour will bring you closer to the Orthodox religion.......
The old Bulgarian capitals like Veliko Turnovo and Preslav, Melnik stone pyramids and Bozhentsi village houses with typical architecture, the mysterious paintings in St.St. Theodor Tiron and Theodor Stratilat church.........
Our special offers
Visit Transylvania, mostly known as Dracula's homeland but also home to many historic medieval towns and fortified churches built by the Saxons...
Visiting the mysterious medieval towns and castles of Transylvania, the birth place of Vlad Dracula...
The Thracians - the oldest people lived within the present-day Bulgarian lands impress by their original and brilliant culture.
The Bulgarian architectural phenomenon "museum-town" is full of life, harmony and beauty, saved from the Bulgarian National Revival period (19 C.).
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