Sightseeing tour in Sofia - half or full-day. You can visit the tourist attractions located in the city center like Alexander Nevski Cathedral with its icon exhibition, St.Sophia church, St.George Rotunda, St. Petka Samardjiiska, also the Sofia City Art Gallery and the Ethnographical museum. If you have more time you can entrance to the Boyana church and to the National History museum, boths located in the suburbs of Sofia. Boyana quarter.
One day excursions - if you have one or more free days in Sofia you can visit the second biggest town in Bulgaria - Plovdiv with its remarkable Old town, the museum town Koprivstitsa with typical houses from National Revival period or the Rila monastery (included in the UNESCO World Heritage Register) with the monastery museum.
Sofia - Plovdiv - 140 km
Sofia - Koprivstitsa - 120 km
Sofia - Rila monastery - 135 km
Roundtrips for groups or individuals - we are offering cultural, historical, archaelogical, gourmet programs mainly over Bulgaria and although our country has a small territory we recommend your tour to not be shorter than 3 days. Our vehicles are new, safe and clean, the hotels we are using for accommodation of our clients are from 3 to 5 stars. The roundtrips published in our website are only a small part of the rich offer we are providing and every of them could be amended upon request.